
On my way from Bangkok to Pattaya, I came across the biggest billboards I had ever seen. They were as big as a five-story building.

Billboards in Pattaya
Billboards in Pattaya

But the first thing that blows a european’s mind in Thailand are the electrical wires on the pillars. All Thais get their own separate wires and the result is such pornography.

Electrical wires in Pattaya
Electrical wires in Pattaya

The view from the hotel window.
The view from the hotel window in Pattaya

The bottle sleeve is an exclusively Thai thing to hold an icy drink comfortably.
Bottle sleeve

Typical Thai eatery: guests surrounded by five people from the staff.
Typical Thai eatery

And these are the Chinese, waiting for a Turkish kebab.

Thai Ronald McDonald greets customers. After a few days, I picked up his habit and started saying hello and thanking everyone with this gesture.

While I was taking pictures of the moped parking sign, a Thai man stopped next to me. He took out a can of some canned meat, fed it to the puppies, and drove away. This was not the first time I had seen a kind Thai soul.

In Pattaya, very fond of using designs made from the branches of trees.

A bus stop sign on the waterfront.
Автобусная остановка на Пхукете

And the bus stop.
Автобусная остановка на Пхукете

The current king of Thailand.
Нынешний король Таиланда

And the former king of Thailand. He was the only one who lived the best and richest life in the country, but the people still love him very much. And it is noteworthy that in all the pictures and on the banknotes he is printed at a young age.
Бывший король Таиланда

Thai girl tapping her phone while sitting on the bike.

A pub that accepts bitcoin for payment.
A pub that accepts bitcoin for payment

Typical Thai truck tuning.
Thai truck tuning

Motorcycle fuel is for sale in glass bottles along the roads.

He who does not work, sleeps.

On the beaches in Pattaya, you can’t swim, because the water is very dirty and rats the size of an adult’s foot run around.

But if you don’t think about the rats, you can get high from the paradise view.

Thai policemen are a rare sight in town. I escaped from them on a motorbike, but about that in the next story about Phuket.

Another unusual thing is a traffic light for pedestrians.

Briefly about the main pedestrian street in Pattaya.

Walking street is famous for its sexy industry, like Red Light District in Amsterdam. In the evening there’s a menu of entertainment that invites you to a “ping-pong show”. It’s called that because older Thai women insert ping-pong balls between their legs and then shoot them back into the audience.

After 40 minutes of the show, I got a headache, because there was some unrealistic crap going on on stage! I had to leave.

Main pedestrian street by day.

One of the main pleasures for me is the Thai massage. For only 200 baht (≈$6.5) you get an incredibly amazing massage for 1 hour.

Night salesman of women’s shoes.

Typical Pattaya alleyways.

In the laundry they put all the clothes in special red covers. It looks cool.

Public washing machines near the supermarket.

Wet rags to wipe your feet before entering the mall.

«Selfies are forbidden» sign. Usually used in places of interest, because you cannot turn your back to the saints.

Toilet on wheels.

Pattaya beach.

The waterfront at night.

Conclusion: it’s definitely worth a trip once. Especially if you are already an old man.